· Syllabus
· Assignment
· Gradebook
· Elluminate
Product Support Guide
· Secure
Terminal Programs
· Lab
Directory Instructions
· Extra
Credit Assignments
· Unix
· Portable
· Using
Internet Explorer? Fix
Tabs Now!
Most of the links in this course's web pages
open a separate window, which you can close afterwards and return to the
previous page. Other web browsers, such as Firefox,
Google Chrome,
and Opera, conveniently
open the links in new tabs, but Internet Explorer doesn't. By default,
I.E. opens each link in a whole new window, cluttering your desktop. So,
make Internet Explorer open the links in new tabs like other browsers
by using these instructions
from Itechtalk.
Welcome to online Introduction to UNIX & Linux! You'll find
recorded lectures
from the Spring 2011 semester on the Schedule
page. Here's how to get started:
- Read the Syllabus.
- Make sure you have checked in to the CATE system, and established
a user name and password. See #1 below for
- Obtain
an account on the Student server student.santarosa.edu
(unless you
have one already). See #2 below.
- Get a secure terminal
program, so you can work at the Student server's Linux command line.
- So, you will have two (2) user names and passwords
in this course, as shown below, for (1) the CATE system, which includes
the Unix-Intro
message list, and (2) the Student server.
- Open the Assignments
& Exams Schedule, and begin the first lab exercise.
- Go through the Elluminate
Product Support guide, to prepare yourself and your computer
for the online lectures, starting Thursday.
- Attend the Thursday night
lectures, either in the classroom or online. If you miss a
lecture, check the schedule
page later for a link to the recording.
- MSDNAA: Free
Microsoft Software for Students (Expires end of this semester)
- Buy Microsoft
Office Professional Academic Edition for cheap!
1. CATE System Check-in
Check in under your section number below to create your CATE
user name and password, which you need to reach lab
exercises, answer forms, exams, gradebook,
and Unix-Intro message
list. (This is not
your separate Linux Student server user name and
password -- see #2 below).
Online section #8407 |
Your CATE Student Check-In: Create your
CATE system (Center for Advanced Technology in Education) user
name and CATE password to add yourself
to the electronic class roster. |
CATE Check-in |
After your instructor scores your assignnments and
tests, they will appear in your online Gradebook. Log in with
your CATE user name and password. |
Gradebook |
You can change your CATE password and e-mail address,
but not your user name. |
Change CATE Password
or E-mail |
Can't remember your CATE username or password? |
Password Reminder |
2. Student
Server Account Application
You will perform almost all of your assignments
using a remote Linux command
line to the Student server. The Student server assigns
you a user name and password.
Unix-Intro Message List
In this course, we use a message list, Unix-Intro,
to ask questions about homework and lecture, share information, and discuss
course content. If you would raise your hand in a classroom about
it, post it to this message list. To send messages or read
the message archive, log in with your CATE user name and password.