CS 182.51:  Security for Cable and DSL Home Networks

© 2019 Eric Skagerberg   (All rights reserved.  This material may not be reproduced in printed or electronic format without the express permission of the author.)
Adjunct Instructor, Computer Studies Department
Santa Rosa Junior College, California

Page last updated 30 October, 2010

MSDNAA: Free Microsoft Software for Students

Send your email address now to your instructor, and get signed up for free Microsoft software.

How? Because of your enrollment in this Computer Studies class, you can get free Microsoft software through SRJC's membership in the Microsoft Developers Network Academic Alliance (MSDNAA).

The products include Microsoft operating systems, (Windows 7 Professional, Vista, XP, etc.) server platforms, studios, developer tools and a few applications. You can get Visio, Project and Access (each of these retailing for hundreds of dollars). You download the software, or you can get some products on CD or DVD for minimal purchase.

You don't get Microsoft Office, but see below for another offer about obtaining Office Professional Academic 2010.

So, if you'd like to get an account to get the free Microsoft software, please email your instructor and provide an email address you don't mind registering as your MSDNAA user name. Your instructor will compile a list of student requests and send it on later.

Then, ELMS, the administrator group of the program for Microsoft, will send a message to you with your username and password; look for this, especially as many filters will label this email as SPAM, and follow the instructions. DO NOT LOSE THIS EMAIL! You agree to various conditions in the EULA and then can download the programs.

Although Michael McKeever is listed as the Program Administrator on the SRJC MSDNAA page, he will not respond to requests for help about using or installing the software or about downloading issues; it isn't his job to answer questions about these topics.

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The following is a separate and different offer:

Microsoft is offering students Office 2010, Professional Academic edition, for $79.95 (download price, small additional charge for media). The only verification needed is a valid .edu (educational institution) e-mail address.

If you apply for (or already have) an account on the SRJC Student server, you'll then have a "username@student.santarosa.edu" address (substituting your own username).

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