Fix Your Passwords |
Page last updated 2 May, 2011 |
Password Guidelines:
Make your passwords long — preferably more than 15 characters, but at least 8. Do not use someone's name, nor any single word found in a dictionary. It may help to put a symbol (i.e., !@#$%^&*(), etc.), and/or a number in it, but most importantly, make it long.
Remember: If it's in the dictionary, don't use it! Hackers use a "dictionary attack" program — automatically trying every word in the dictionary, and every combination under 8 characters (including numbers), until they break in.
As long as the web site or program allows long passwords, pick three or four random common words, and string them together with no spaces between them, such as correcthorsebatterystaple —
You could also keep your passwords in a password-encrypted Excel spreadsheet (of course, if you forget that password, you're sunk!) .